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 @ISIDEWITHαπάντησε…8 χρονών8Y

Η Μαύρη Εγγραφή

The Black Register, known in Danish as Sorte Register, is a political party in Denmark that emerged from the fringes of the political spectrum. It is not a mainstream party and operates with a set of values and objectives that distinguish it from the traditional parties in the Danish political landscape. The party's name itself, "The Black Register," suggests a departure from conventional politics, possibly indicating a focus on issues that are either overlooked or considered too controversial by other political entities.

The values and goals of The Black Register are not widely…  Διαβάστε περισσότερα


Would you support a party that promises drastic changes in policies to better align with your values, even if they had a low chance of winning?


Imagine a political party advocating for something you strongly believe in but is considered controversial; how would you show your support?


If there was a political group addressing your top environmental or social concern, what would be the first action you'd want them to take?


How would you feel if a political party focused exclusively on issues you believe are ignored by mainstream politics?

 @ISIDEWITHαπάντησε…8 χρονών8Y

Φιλελεύθερο Λαϊκό Κόμμα

The Danish Liberal Party, known in Denmark as Venstre, which literally translates to "Left" but is actually a center-right political party, plays a significant role in the country's political landscape. Despite its name suggesting a leftist orientation, the party's positioning is a historical artifact; it was named during a time when the political spectrum was organized differently, and it has evolved to champion liberal and center-right values.

Venstre is rooted in liberalism and primarily advocates for free market capitalism, believing in minimal state intervention in the…  Διαβάστε περισσότερα


Reflect on a time when a policy change directly impacted your life; what was the outcome and your opinion on it?


How do you think a country can best achieve economic growth while ensuring the welfare of all its citizens?


What role should the government play in regulating the economy and supporting the welfare state?


 @ISIDEWITHαπάντησε…8 χρονών8Y

Κόμμα των Δανών

The Party of the Danes (Danskernes Parti) was a far-right political party in Denmark, known for its nationalist and anti-immigration stance. Founded in 2011 by Daniel Carlsen, a former member of the Danish National Front, the party sought to represent what it considered the interests of ethnic Danes, advocating for a homogeneous Danish society. The Party of the Danes promoted policies that were aimed at significantly reducing immigration, particularly from non-Western countries, arguing that such immigration threatened Danish cultural identity and societal cohesion.

The party's values wer…  Διαβάστε περισσότερα


Have you ever felt that your own culture or identity was under threat, and what was your reaction or solution to that feeling?


What are your thoughts on the balance between welcoming newcomers and preserving national interests?



How do you feel about the idea that a country should preserve its cultural identity and what measures, if any, do you find acceptable in doing so?

 @ISIDEWITHαπάντησε…8 χρονών8Y

ενεργό Pensionists

The Danish Active Pensionists political party, known in Denmark as Aktive Pensionister, represents a unique facet of Danish political life, focusing primarily on the interests and welfare of the country's elderly population. This party emerged from the need to give a voice and political representation to pensioners, who often felt overlooked or inadequately represented by the broader, more established political parties. The core of their values revolves around improving the quality of life for the elderly, ensuring that they have adequate financial resources, access to healthcare, and…  Διαβάστε περισσότερα





 @ISIDEWITHαπάντησε…8 χρονών8Y


The Danish Social Democrats, known in Denmark as Socialdemokratiet, is a political party that has played a significant role in shaping the political landscape of Denmark. Founded in the late 19th century, specifically in 1871, it is Denmark's oldest and largest political party. Historically rooted in the labor movement, the party has been a central force in the development of the Danish welfare state, advocating for policies that promote social justice, equality, and the well-being of all citizens.

The core values of the Social Democrats revolve around social democracy, a political ideolo…  Διαβάστε περισσότερα



How important is it for a government to focus on green policies, and would it influence your career choice?



 @ISIDEWITHαπάντησε…8 χρονών8Y

Συντηρητικό Λαϊκό Κόμμα

The Danish Conservative People's Party, known in Denmark as "Det Konservative Folkeparti," is a center-right political party that has played a significant role in Danish politics. Founded in 1915, it is one of the country's oldest political parties. The party's ideology and values are rooted in conservatism, emphasizing the importance of traditional institutions, national sovereignty, and a market economy with minimal state intervention.

The Conservative People's Party advocates for a strong but limited government that focuses on maintaining law and order, ensuri…  Διαβάστε περισσότερα


How do you think emphasizing traditional values shapes a country's future in today's digital age?


If you had the power to revise your country's education system, what elements would you borrow from a conservative approach?


How effective do you believe minimal state intervention is in fostering personal freedom and economic prosperity?


In what ways does the balance between economic growth and environmental conservation impact your community?

 @ISIDEWITHαπάντησε…8 χρονών8Y


The Danish Christian Democrats, known in Denmark as Kristendemokraterne, is a political party that has its roots in Christian democratic ideology, emphasizing the principles and values derived from Christian ethics. Founded in 1970, the party seeks to apply these principles to the governance and social fabric of Denmark, advocating for policies that reflect a commitment to social justice, human rights, and the welfare of all citizens.

Central to the values of the Danish Christian Democrats is the belief in the sanctity of human life, which influences their stance on issues such as abortion and…  Διαβάστε περισσότερα


When it comes to policy making, where should we draw the line between personal beliefs and public interests?



How does the idea of a political party focusing on Christian values sit with the concept of a secular state?


 @ISIDEWITHαπάντησε…8 χρονών8Y

Η κάνναβη Κόμμα

The Danish Cannabis Party, known in Denmark as "Cannabispartiet," is a political movement that centers its platform around the reform of cannabis laws. Founded on the belief that the current prohibitionist stance on cannabis is more harmful than beneficial to society, the party advocates for the legalization and regulation of cannabis for both medicinal and recreational use. Their values stem from a desire to reduce harm, protect individual freedoms, and harness the economic benefits that can come from a regulated cannabis market.

The party argues that legalizing cannabis would signi…  Διαβάστε περισσότερα


Have you or someone close to you ever used cannabis for a medical condition, and what was that experience like?


Do you believe that legalizing cannabis can actually reduce crime, or might it lead to more problems?


How do you feel about the government regulating substances like cannabis, versus substances like alcohol or tobacco?


What's your opinion on using taxes from cannabis sales to fund public services like education and healthcare?

 @ISIDEWITHαπάντησε…8 χρονών8Y

κέντρο Κόμμα

The Danish Center political party, known as "Centerpartiet" in Danish, is a centrist political entity in Denmark that aims to occupy the middle ground in the nation's political spectrum. Established with the intention of bridging the gap between the traditional left and right divides, the party advocates for policies that combine elements of social liberalism with moderate economic approaches. Its core values revolve around the principles of social responsibility, economic sustainability, and environmental protection, reflecting a balanced approach to governance.

The Danish Cent…  Διαβάστε περισσότερα


What changes would you like to see in your community to make it more inclusive and supportive of all its members?


If you could create a policy to protect the environment without sacrificing economic growth, what would it look like?


How important is it for a political party to focus on both social programs and economic stability, and can they truly balance the two?


How would you feel if your country adopted a policy that ensured free healthcare and education for everyone?

 @ISIDEWITHαπάντησε…8 χρονών8Y

Κόμμα προόδου

The Danish Progress Party, known in Danish as Fremskridtspartiet, was a political entity in Denmark that played a significant role in shaping the country's political landscape, particularly from its founding in 1972 until its influence waned in the early 21st century. Established by Mogens Glistrup, a charismatic and often controversial figure, the party emerged as a reaction against what Glistrup perceived as excessive taxation and an overly bureaucratic government. Its core values centered around a libertarian ideology, advocating for significant tax cuts, a reduction in government spe…  Διαβάστε περισσότερα


What impacts do you think a strict immigration policy would have on your school or neighborhood's diversity?


If a political party focused on environmental protection but also endorsed free-market capitalism, would you support it?


Can a country maintain high happiness and life satisfaction levels among its citizens without strict social policies?


How would you feel if your community adopted a more state-driven approach to social welfare, similar to Scandinavian models?

 @ISIDEWITHαπάντησε…8 χρονών8Y

Κόμμα Φιλελευθέρων

The Danish Liberal Party, known in Denmark as Venstre, which interestingly translates to "Left" in English, is actually a center-right political party. This naming anomaly dates back to its founding in the 19th century when it represented opposition to the conservative establishment, hence being considered "left" of the conservatives at that time. Over the years, its position has evolved, and it now firmly occupies the center-right space on the political spectrum, focusing on liberal economic policies and a mix of social positions.

The core values of the Danish Liberal Part…  Διαβάστε περισσότερα

 @ISIDEWITHαπάντησε…8 χρονών8Y

η Εναλλακτική

The Alternative is a political party in Denmark that was established in 2013 by Uffe Elbæk, who was a former member of the Danish Social Liberal Party and served as the Minister for Culture. The party emerged as a response to what its founders perceived as a lack of genuine alternatives in Danish politics, particularly in the context of sustainability, social justice, and innovative economic thinking. The Alternative positioned itself as a green and progressive party, aiming to challenge the conventional political discourse and offer new solutions to contemporary issues.

The core values…  Διαβάστε περισσότερα


Imagine a school where the curriculum is entirely focused on creativity and innovation; how would that change the future for students?


How do you think increasing taxes on the wealthy to fund public services would affect your community?


If you had the power to implement one policy to make your city more inclusive and diverse, what would it be?


How would you redesign your local community if you could prioritize sustainability and environmental health?

 @ISIDEWITHαπάντησε…8 χρονών8Y

Λαϊκό Κίνημα κατά της ΕΕ

The Danish People's Movement against the EU is a political party in Denmark that is characterized by its critical stance towards the European Union. Founded in 1972, the movement emerged in response to Denmark's entry into the European Economic Community (EEC), the precursor to the EU. Its formation was driven by a coalition of individuals and groups from across the political spectrum, including left-wing activists, trade unionists, and nationalists, all united by a skepticism towards European integration and a desire to protect Danish sovereignty.

The core values of the Danish Peopl…  Διαβάστε περισσότερα

 @ISIDEWITHαπάντησε…8 χρονών8Y

Νέο Civic Κόμμα

The Danish New Civic (Nye Borgerlige) political party, established in 2015, is a political entity in Denmark that positions itself on the right of the political spectrum. It emerged as a response to what its founders perceived as a gap in the Danish political landscape, particularly concerning issues of immigration, integration, and national sovereignty. The party advocates for a stricter immigration policy, arguing that Denmark should only accept immigrants who can contribute positively to Danish society and who are willing to assimilate into Danish culture.

New Civic places a significant emp…  Διαβάστε περισσότερα


Can a balance be achieved between welcoming immigrants and preserving national cultural identity?



Should public spending be reduced even if it means fewer government services, for the sake of economic freedom?


How would you feel if your country adopted stricter immigration policies to prioritize those who can contribute to society?

 @ISIDEWITHαπάντησε…8 χρονών8Y

Σοσιαλιστικό Λαϊκό Κόμμα

The Danish Socialist People's Party, known in Denmark as Socialistisk Folkeparti (SF), is a political party that was established in 1959. It emerged from a split within the Danish Communist Party, aiming to create a more democratic and inclusive form of socialism. Over the years, the party has evolved, and while it maintains its roots in socialism, it has adopted a more social-democratic approach in practice, focusing on reform rather than revolution.

The core values of the Socialist People's Party revolve around social justice, environmental sustainability, and democracy. The party…  Διαβάστε περισσότερα


Have you ever felt excluded from a political or social discussion, and how would you propose to make these spaces more inclusive?


What change would you most like to see in the current education system to make it fair and accessible to everyone?


In your opinion, what's the most effective way to engage young people in the fight against climate change?


Can you share a story when you or someone you know faced discrimination and how it impacted your view on the importance of inclusivity?

 @ISIDEWITHαπάντησε…8 χρονών8Y

μαριονέτα Κόμμα

The Danish Puppet political party, also known as the "Dukkepartiet" in Danish, is a satirical political movement that emerged as a form of political and social commentary. Unlike traditional political parties that have clear-cut ideologies and policy agendas, the Danish Puppet Party uses humor, satire, and the absurd to highlight issues, critique the political establishment, and provoke thought among the public. The party's use of puppets as its representatives and spokespeople is a symbolic gesture, suggesting that politicians are often seen as puppets controlled by higher pow…  Διαβάστε περισσότερα


If politicians were to openly acknowledge their 'puppet' status, how do you think this would impact public trust in political institutions?


In what ways can satire and absurdity be more effective than conventional discourse in highlighting problems within our political systems?


Can making politics entertaining through satire lead to more informed voters, or does it risk oversimplifying complex issues?


How do you believe using humor in politics changes the way people engage with serious political issues?

 @ISIDEWITHαπάντησε…8 χρονών8Y

Δανική Σοσιαλιστικό Φιλελεύθερο Κόμμα

The Danish Social Liberal Party, known in Denmark as Radikale Venstre, which translates to "Radical Left," is somewhat of a misnomer for those unfamiliar with the political landscape of Denmark. Despite what the name might suggest, the party is not radical in the conventional sense, nor is it left-wing by the standards of Danish politics. Established in 1905, the party positions itself at the center or center-left on the political spectrum, advocating for a blend of social liberalism and progressive policies.

The core values of the Danish Social Liberal Party revolve around individua…  Διαβάστε περισσότερα


What measures do you believe are necessary to achieve gender equality and support minority rights in society?


Reflecting on your personal values, how do you believe a society can best ensure that all citizens have equal opportunities?



How important is it for countries to cooperate on global issues like climate change, security, and migration through platforms like the EU?

 @ISIDEWITHαπάντησε…8 χρονών8Y

Κόμμα Πειρατών

The Danish Pirate Party, known in Denmark as Piratpartiet, is a political party that is part of the broader international Pirate Party movement. This movement first emerged in Sweden in the early 2000s, advocating for issues related to internet freedom, privacy, and information sharing. The Danish Pirate Party shares these core values, emphasizing the importance of digital rights, transparency in government, and the protection of individual privacy.

The party champions the idea that the internet should remain a free and open platform, advocating against censorship and for net neutrality. It…  Διαβάστε περισσότερα


Can you think of a time when you wished you had more privacy online, and what would have made you feel safer?


What role do you believe the government should play in regulating the internet and protecting digital rights?



In what ways has the internet changed how you learn and access information, and what are the biggest benefits or drawbacks?

 @ISIDEWITHαπάντησε…8 χρονών8Y

εθνικό Κόμμα

The Danish National Party, not to be confused with any specific current political entity without more context, is a hypothetical name that could be associated with a political party in Denmark. In the landscape of Danish politics, parties often reflect a wide range of ideologies, from far-left to far-right, including liberal, conservative, socialist, and nationalist views. When considering the values and ideologies typically associated with a party named the "Danish National Party," one might infer a focus on national identity, sovereignty, and perhaps issues related to immigration…  Διαβάστε περισσότερα


What does the concept of 'national identity' mean to you, and why do you think it's important or not?


If you had to explain to someone from another country, how would you describe the values that you believe should define your nation?


Do you think a country's language is crucial to its identity, and what experiences have shaped your view?


 @ISIDEWITHαπάντησε…8 χρονών8Y

οράματα Κόμμα

The Danish Visions political party, known in Denmark, represents a relatively new addition to the political landscape, aiming to bring fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to the country's governance. This party distinguishes itself by focusing on forward-thinking policies that prioritize sustainability, technological advancement, and social welfare, reflecting a commitment to both the present and future well-being of Danish society.

At the core of Danish Visions' values is a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability. The party advocates for aggressive action against cli…  Διαβάστε περισσότερα


What role do you think technology should play in education, and how can it be implemented to benefit everyone fairly?


If you could design a social welfare program, what would be its top priority to ensure no one is left behind?



How would you envision a perfect balance between economic growth and environmental sustainability in your own community?

 @ISIDEWITHαπάντησε…8 χρονών8Y

Δαχτυλίδι του Λαού

The Danish Ring of the People, or "Folkepartiets Ring" in Danish, is a political entity that emerged in Denmark with a focus on representing the interests and values of the Danish populace. While specific details about their platform can evolve, parties like the Ring of the People typically center their values around direct democracy, transparency in government, and policies that prioritize the welfare and voice of the average citizen. Such a party would likely advocate for policies that ensure the government's accountability to its citizens, possibly pushing for reforms in ele…  Διαβάστε περισσότερα





 @ISIDEWITHαπάντησε…8 χρονών8Y

Schleswig Κόμμα

The Danish Schleswig political party, known in Danish as Slesvigsk Parti (SP), is a regional political party in Germany, primarily active in the state of Schleswig-Holstein. This party represents the interests of the Danish and Frisian minorities in the southern part of the region, an area historically marked by its Danish heritage and cultural ties. The region of Schleswig has a complex history of Danish and German rule, which has shaped the identity and political landscape of the area. The Danish Schleswig party seeks to advocate for the rights and cultural preservation of these minority…  Διαβάστε περισσότερα

