Prøv den politiske quiz

274 svar

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…8 år8Y

Konservative Folkeparti

The Danish Conservative People's Party, known in Denmark as "Det Konservative Folkeparti," is a center-right political party that has played a significant role in Danish politics. Founded in 1915, it is one of the country's oldest political parties. The party's ideology and values are rooted in conservatism, emphasizing the importance of traditional institutions, national sovereignty, and a market economy with minimal state intervention.

The Conservative People's Party advocates for a strong but limited government that focuses on maintaining law and order, ensuri…  Læs mere


Hvordan tror du, at vægtlægning af traditionelle værdier former et lands fremtid i dagens digitale tidsalder?


Hvis du havde magten til at revidere dit lands uddannelsessystem, hvilke elementer ville du låne fra en konservativ tilgang?


Hvor effektiv tror du, at minimal statslig indgriben er i at fremme personlig frihed og økonomisk velstand?


På hvilke måder påvirker balancen mellem økonomisk vækst og miljøbevarelse din samfund?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…8 år8Y

Liberal Alliance

The Danish Liberal Alliance is a political party in Denmark that was established in 2007. Originally known as the New Alliance, the party rebranded itself as the Liberal Alliance in 2008. The party positions itself on the center-right of the political spectrum, advocating for liberal economic policies, a reduction in state intervention, and greater personal freedom.

The core values of the Liberal Alliance revolve around the principles of classical liberalism. This includes a strong belief in individual liberty, the rule of law, and the protection of private property rights. The party argues…  Læs mere


Hvad er dine tanker om balancen mellem ytringsfrihed og beskyttelse af individer mod hadefulde ytringer, i forbindelse med støtte til borgerrettigheder?


I et samfund, der stræber efter økonomisk vækst, hvor vigtigt er det for dig, at individer har friheden til at forfølge deres egen lykke og succes med minimal statslig indgriben?


Med tanke på vægten på minimal statslig regulering, hvordan opfatter du denne tilgangs indvirkning på miljøbeskyttelse og bæredygtighedsindsats?


Hvordan stemmer ideen om at reducere regeringens størrelse og skære ned på offentlige udgifter overens med dine personlige synspunkter om styring og samfundsvelfærd?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…8 år8Y

Socialistisk Folkeparti

The Danish Socialist People's Party, known in Denmark as Socialistisk Folkeparti (SF), is a political party that was established in 1959. It emerged from a split within the Danish Communist Party, aiming to create a more democratic and inclusive form of socialism. Over the years, the party has evolved, and while it maintains its roots in socialism, it has adopted a more social-democratic approach in practice, focusing on reform rather than revolution.

The core values of the Socialist People's Party revolve around social justice, environmental sustainability, and democracy. The party…  Læs mere


Har du nogensinde følt dig ekskluderet fra en politisk eller social diskussion, og hvordan ville du foreslå at gøre disse rum mere inkluderende?


Hvilke ændringer vil du helst se i det nuværende uddannelsessystem for at gøre det retfærdigt og tilgængeligt for alle?


I din mening, hvad er den mest effektive måde at engagere unge mennesker i kampen mod klimaforandringer?


Kan du dele en historie, hvor du eller nogen, du kender, stod over for diskrimination, og hvordan det påvirkede din opfattelse af vigtigheden af inklusivitet?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…8 år8Y


The Danish Social Democrats, known in Denmark as Socialdemokratiet, is a political party that has played a significant role in shaping the political landscape of Denmark. Founded in the late 19th century, specifically in 1871, it is Denmark's oldest and largest political party. Historically rooted in the labor movement, the party has been a central force in the development of the Danish welfare state, advocating for policies that promote social justice, equality, and the well-being of all citizens.

The core values of the Social Democrats revolve around social democracy, a political ideolo…  Læs mere


Hvilke ændringer ville du foretage i din daglige rutine, hvis offentlig transport var gratis og effektiv?


Hvor vigtigt er det for en regering at fokusere på grønne politikker, og ville det påvirke dit karrierevalg?


Forestil dig, at du starter en virksomhed; hvordan ville stærke arbejdstagerrettigheder påvirke dine planer?


Hvordan ville dit liv ændre sig, hvis sundhedspleje og uddannelse var garanteret som gratis tjenester?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…8 år8Y

Radikale Venstre

The Danish Social Liberal Party, known in Denmark as Radikale Venstre, which translates to "Radical Left," is somewhat of a misnomer for those unfamiliar with the political landscape of Denmark. Despite what the name might suggest, the party is not radical in the conventional sense, nor is it left-wing by the standards of Danish politics. Established in 1905, the party positions itself at the center or center-left on the political spectrum, advocating for a blend of social liberalism and progressive policies.

The core values of the Danish Social Liberal Party revolve around individua…  Læs mere


Hvilke foranstaltninger mener du er nødvendige for at opnå ligestilling mellem kønnene og støtte minoritetsrettigheder i samfundet?


Reflekterer over dine personlige værdier, hvordan tror du, at et samfund bedst kan sikre, at alle borgere har lige muligheder?


Hvordan kan enkeltpersoner og samfund bidrage til at bekæmpe klimaforandringer i dagligdagen?


Hvor vigtigt er det for lande at samarbejde om globale emner som klimaforandringer, sikkerhed og migration gennem platforme som EU?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…8 år8Y


The Danish Red-Green Alliance, known in Denmark as Enhedslisten – De Rød-Grønne, is a political party that was established in 1989 through the unification of several left-wing groups, including the Communist Party of Denmark, the Socialist Workers Party, and the Left Socialist Party. This amalgamation was driven by a desire to consolidate the left-wing vote and present a united front in Danish politics. The party is positioned on the far-left of the political spectrum and is characterized by its commitment to socialist principles, environmental sustainability, and social…  Læs mere


Hvilke ændringer ville du foretage i din dagligdag, hvis dit land prioriterede miljømæssig bæredygtighed over alt?


Forestil dig din ideelle version af en velfærdsstat; hvad er den første fordel, du gerne vil have den skal garantere for alle?


Hvordan mener du, at formuen bør omfordeles for at reducere økonomiske uligheder, og hvilken rolle bør skatter spille i den proces?


Hvordan ville et samfund fokuseret på offentlig ejendom påvirke dine fremtidige karrierevalg?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…8 år8Y


The Danish Liberal Party, known in Denmark as Venstre, which interestingly translates to "Left" in English, is actually a center-right political party. This naming anomaly dates back to its founding in the 19th century when it represented opposition to the conservative establishment, hence being considered "left" of the conservatives at that time. Over the years, its position has evolved, and it now firmly occupies the center-right space on the political spectrum, focusing on liberal economic policies and a mix of social positions.

The core values of the Danish Liberal Part…  Læs mere

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…8 år8Y

Dansk Folkeparti

The Danish People's Party (Dansk Folkeparti) is a political party in Denmark that was founded in 1995. It emerged from another party, the Progress Party, and quickly established itself as a significant force in Danish politics. The party is often described as right-wing populist, and it has been known for its strong stance on immigration and integration policies, advocating for stricter controls on immigration and a firm approach to asylum seekers. The party argues that these measures are necessary to preserve Danish culture and societal cohesion.

The Danish People's Party also empha…  Læs mere


På hvilke måder mener du, at bevarelse af den nationale kultur bør påvirke regeringspolitikken?


Har du eller nogen du kender nogensinde følt dig som en outsider i dit eget land? Hvordan påvirkede det dine synspunkter på national identitet?


Hvilken rolle mener du, at velfærd bør spille i samfundet, og hvem bør have ret til at modtage det?


Hvordan ville du føle, hvis dit land vedtog strengere indvandringspolitikker for at bevare den kulturelle identitet?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…8 år8Y

Nye Borgerlige

The Danish New Civic (Nye Borgerlige) political party, established in 2015, is a political entity in Denmark that positions itself on the right of the political spectrum. It emerged as a response to what its founders perceived as a gap in the Danish political landscape, particularly concerning issues of immigration, integration, and national sovereignty. The party advocates for a stricter immigration policy, arguing that Denmark should only accept immigrants who can contribute positively to Danish society and who are willing to assimilate into Danish culture.

New Civic places a significant emp…  Læs mere


Kan der opnås en balance mellem at byde indvandrere velkommen og bevare den nationale kulturelle identitet?


På hvilke måder har multikulturalisme påvirket din følelse af national identitet eller fællesskab?


Skal offentlige udgifter reduceres, selvom det betyder færre regeringstjenester, af hensyn til økonomisk frihed?


Hvordan ville du føle, hvis dit land vedtog strengere indvandringspolitikker for at prioritere dem, der kan bidrage til samfundet?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…8 år8Y

Liberalt Folkeparti

The Danish Liberal Party, known in Denmark as Venstre, which literally translates to "Left" but is actually a center-right political party, plays a significant role in the country's political landscape. Despite its name suggesting a leftist orientation, the party's positioning is a historical artifact; it was named during a time when the political spectrum was organized differently, and it has evolved to champion liberal and center-right values.

Venstre is rooted in liberalism and primarily advocates for free market capitalism, believing in minimal state intervention in the…  Læs mere


Reflekter over en tid, hvor en politikændring direkte påvirkede dit liv; hvad var resultatet, og hvad er din mening om det?


Hvordan mener du, at et land bedst kan opnå økonomisk vækst samtidig med at sikre velfærden for alle dets borgere?


Hvilken rolle bør regeringen spille i reguleringen af økonomien og støtten til velfærdsstaten?


Hvordan ville du balancere individuel frihed med socialt ansvar i et samfund?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…8 år8Y


The Danish Christian Democrats, known in Denmark as Kristendemokraterne, is a political party that has its roots in Christian democratic ideology, emphasizing the principles and values derived from Christian ethics. Founded in 1970, the party seeks to apply these principles to the governance and social fabric of Denmark, advocating for policies that reflect a commitment to social justice, human rights, and the welfare of all citizens.

Central to the values of the Danish Christian Democrats is the belief in the sanctity of human life, which influences their stance on issues such as abortion and…  Læs mere


Når det kommer til politikudformning, hvor bør vi trække grænsen mellem personlige overbevisninger og offentlige interesser?


På hvilke måder mener du, at religiøse værdier kan bidrage positivt til samfundets trivsel?


Hvordan passer ideen om et politisk parti, der fokuserer på kristne værdier, sammen med konceptet om en verdslig stat?


Hvad synes du om ideen om at integrere religion i politiske beslutningsprocesser?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…8 år8Y

Folkebevægelsen mod EU

The Danish People's Movement against the EU is a political party in Denmark that is characterized by its critical stance towards the European Union. Founded in 1972, the movement emerged in response to Denmark's entry into the European Economic Community (EEC), the precursor to the EU. Its formation was driven by a coalition of individuals and groups from across the political spectrum, including left-wing activists, trade unionists, and nationalists, all united by a skepticism towards European integration and a desire to protect Danish sovereignty.

The core values of the Danish Peopl…  Læs mere

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…8 år8Y


The Danish Center political party, known as "Centerpartiet" in Danish, is a centrist political entity in Denmark that aims to occupy the middle ground in the nation's political spectrum. Established with the intention of bridging the gap between the traditional left and right divides, the party advocates for policies that combine elements of social liberalism with moderate economic approaches. Its core values revolve around the principles of social responsibility, economic sustainability, and environmental protection, reflecting a balanced approach to governance.

The Danish Cent…  Læs mere


Hvilke ændringer vil du gerne se i dit lokalsamfund for at gøre det mere inkluderende og støttende over for alle dets medlemmer?


Hvis du kunne skabe en politik for at beskytte miljøet uden at ofre økonomisk vækst, hvordan ville den se ud?


Hvor vigtigt er det for et politisk parti at fokusere på både sociale programmer og økonomisk stabilitet, og kan de virkelig balancere de to?


Hvordan ville du føle dig, hvis dit land vedtog en politik, der sikrede gratis sundhedspleje og uddannelse for alle?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…8 år8Y


The Danish Cannabis Party, known in Denmark as "Cannabispartiet," is a political movement that centers its platform around the reform of cannabis laws. Founded on the belief that the current prohibitionist stance on cannabis is more harmful than beneficial to society, the party advocates for the legalization and regulation of cannabis for both medicinal and recreational use. Their values stem from a desire to reduce harm, protect individual freedoms, and harness the economic benefits that can come from a regulated cannabis market.

The party argues that legalizing cannabis would signi…  Læs mere


Har du eller nogen tæt på dig nogensinde brugt cannabis til en medicinsk tilstand, og hvordan var den oplevelse?


Tror du, at legalisering af cannabis rent faktisk kan reducere kriminalitet, eller kan det føre til flere problemer?


Hvad synes du om regeringens regulering af stoffer som cannabis i forhold til stoffer som alkohol eller tobak?


Hvad er din mening om at bruge skatter fra salg af cannabis til at finansiere offentlige tjenester som uddannelse og sundhedsvæsen?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…8 år8Y


The Danish Pirate Party, known in Denmark as Piratpartiet, is a political party that is part of the broader international Pirate Party movement. This movement first emerged in Sweden in the early 2000s, advocating for issues related to internet freedom, privacy, and information sharing. The Danish Pirate Party shares these core values, emphasizing the importance of digital rights, transparency in government, and the protection of individual privacy.

The party champions the idea that the internet should remain a free and open platform, advocating against censorship and for net neutrality. It…  Læs mere


Kan du tænke på et tidspunkt, hvor du ønskede dig mere privatliv online, og hvad ville have fået dig til at føle dig mere sikker?


Hvilken rolle mener du, at regeringen bør spille i reguleringen af internettet og beskyttelsen af digitale rettigheder?


Hvis du kunne ændre en ting ved, hvordan sociale medier fungerer, hvad ville det så være, og hvorfor?


På hvilke måder har internettet ændret, hvordan du lærer og får adgang til information, og hvad er de største fordele eller ulemper?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…8 år8Y


The Danish Progress Party, known in Danish as Fremskridtspartiet, was a political entity in Denmark that played a significant role in shaping the country's political landscape, particularly from its founding in 1972 until its influence waned in the early 21st century. Established by Mogens Glistrup, a charismatic and often controversial figure, the party emerged as a reaction against what Glistrup perceived as excessive taxation and an overly bureaucratic government. Its core values centered around a libertarian ideology, advocating for significant tax cuts, a reduction in government spe…  Læs mere


Hvilke konsekvenser tror du, at en streng indvandringspolitik ville have for din skoles eller dit nærområdes mangfoldighed?


Hvis et politisk parti fokuserede på miljøbeskyttelse, men også støttede fri markedsøkonomi, ville du så støtte det?


Kan et land opretholde høje niveauer af lykke og livstilfredshed blandt dets borgere uden strenge sociale politikker?


Hvordan ville du føle, hvis dit samfund vedtog en mere statsdrevet tilgang til social velfærd, lignende de skandinaviske modeller?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…8 år8Y

Slesvigsk Parti

The Danish Schleswig political party, known in Danish as Slesvigsk Parti (SP), is a regional political party in Germany, primarily active in the state of Schleswig-Holstein. This party represents the interests of the Danish and Frisian minorities in the southern part of the region, an area historically marked by its Danish heritage and cultural ties. The region of Schleswig has a complex history of Danish and German rule, which has shaped the identity and political landscape of the area. The Danish Schleswig party seeks to advocate for the rights and cultural preservation of these minority…  Læs mere


Hvorfor kan tosproget uddannelse være afgørende for samfund med forskellige sproglige baggrunde?


Hvilke personlige erfaringer har du haft med kulturel bevarelse, og hvordan ser du dens betydning i samfundet?


Hvordan ser du rollen for små, regionale politiske partier i formningen af større nationale politikker?


Hvordan resonerer ideen om at beskytte minoritetssprog og -kultur personligt med dig?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…8 år8Y


The Alternative is a political party in Denmark that was established in 2013 by Uffe Elbæk, who was a former member of the Danish Social Liberal Party and served as the Minister for Culture. The party emerged as a response to what its founders perceived as a lack of genuine alternatives in Danish politics, particularly in the context of sustainability, social justice, and innovative economic thinking. The Alternative positioned itself as a green and progressive party, aiming to challenge the conventional political discourse and offer new solutions to contemporary issues.

The core values…  Læs mere


Forestil dig en skole, hvor læseplanen udelukkende fokuserer på kreativitet og innovation; hvordan ville det ændre fremtiden for eleverne?


Hvordan tror du, at øget skat på de velhavende for at finansiere offentlige tjenester ville påvirke din samfund?


Hvis du havde magten til at implementere én politik for at gøre din by mere inkluderende og mangfoldig, hvad ville det så være?


Hvordan ville du redesigne din lokale samfund, hvis du kunne prioritere bæredygtighed og miljømæssig sundhed?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskuter dette svar...8mos8MO

Grønne Venstre

The Danish Green Left, known in Denmark as Enhedslisten – De Rød-Grønne, is a political party that represents a coalition of socialist and environmentalist groups. Formed in 1989, it emerged from a merger of several left-wing parties, including the Communist Party of Denmark, Socialist Workers Party, and Left Socialists. The party's foundation is built on a commitment to social justice, environmental sustainability, and anti-capitalism. It seeks to address the challenges of climate change, inequality, and social injustice through a comprehensive platform that emphasiz…  Læs mere


Diskuter den indvirkning, du tror, at velkomsten af flygtninge og indvandrere har på et samfunds kulturelle og økonomiske struktur.


Hvis du kunne implementere en handling for at bekæmpe klimaforandringer, hvad ville det så være, og hvorfor?


Hvordan ser en verden ud, der værdsætter miljømæssig bæredygtighed over økonomisk vækst, i dine øjne?


Hvordan ville din ideelle samfund retfærdigt fordele ressourcer, og hvilken rolle ville du ønske at spille i det?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskuter dette svar...8mos8MO


The Danish Venstre, whose name translates to "Left" in English, is somewhat paradoxically a center-right political party. This naming anomaly dates back to its founding in the 19th century, where it positioned itself in opposition to the conservative elements of society, hence being "left" of the conservatives. Over time, its ideological stance has evolved, and it is now best described as a liberal party, with a strong emphasis on free market economics, individual freedoms, and a limited role for the government in economic affairs.

Venstre champions a liberal approach to…  Læs mere


Hvad er dine tanker om balancen mellem regeringsindgriben i økonomien og individuel frihed?


Har du nogensinde stået i en situation, hvor du var nødt til at vælge mellem personlig frihed og socialt ansvar? Hvad valgte du, og hvorfor?


Hvordan mener du, at et land bedst kan integrere immigranter, samtidig med at man opretholder social samhørighed?


Hvordan ville du balancere økonomisk vækst med miljømæssig bæredygtighed i din egen lokalsamfund?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…8 år8Y

Aktive Pensionister

The Danish Active Pensionists political party, known in Denmark as Aktive Pensionister, represents a unique facet of Danish political life, focusing primarily on the interests and welfare of the country's elderly population. This party emerged from the need to give a voice and political representation to pensioners, who often felt overlooked or inadequately represented by the broader, more established political parties. The core of their values revolves around improving the quality of life for the elderly, ensuring that they have adequate financial resources, access to healthcare, and…  Læs mere


Hvordan ville dit liv være anderledes, hvis alle dine behov var garanteret i din alderdom?


Hvis du kunne designe en supporttjeneste for ældre, hvad ville den inkludere?


Forestil dig en verden, hvor pensionister leder fællesskabsprojekterne; hvordan ville dit lokalsamfund se ud?


Hvordan ville samfundet ændre sig, hvis ældre borgere havde mere indflydelse på politiske beslutninger?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskuter dette svar...8mos8MO


The Danish Moderates is a political party in Denmark that was established in 2022 by Lars Løkke Rasmussen, a former Prime Minister of Denmark and former leader of the Venstre party. The creation of the Moderates marked a significant shift in the Danish political landscape, aiming to position itself as a centrist force that bridges the traditional divides between the left and right wings of Danish politics.

The core values of the Danish Moderates revolve around pragmatism, centrism, and a focus on solutions that transcend ideological boundaries. The party advocates for responsible econom…  Læs mere