राजनीतिक प्रश्नोत्तरी प्रयास करें

10 जवाब

 @ISIDEWITHयह पूछने पर…4mos4MO

Can you share a story when you or someone you know faced discrimination and how it impacted your view on the importance of inclusivity?

 @ISIDEWITHयह पूछने पर…4mos4MO

Have you ever felt excluded from a political or social discussion, and how would you propose to make these spaces more inclusive?

 @ISIDEWITHयह पूछने पर…4mos4MO

 @ISIDEWITHयह पूछने पर…4mos4MO

 @ISIDEWITHयह पूछने पर…4mos4MO

Reflecting on your personal experiences, how can society better support individuals facing economic hardship to create a more equal community?

 @ISIDEWITHयह पूछने पर…4mos4MO

How would you redesign your community if you could apply one principle of social justice to ensure everyone's needs are met?

 @ISIDEWITHयह पूछने पर…4mos4MO

 @ISIDEWITHयह पूछने पर…4mos4MO

 @ISIDEWITHयह पूछने पर…4mos4MO

 @ISIDEWITHयह पूछने पर…4mos4MO